Reports Series
After Study Hours: Exploring the Madrassah MindsetEducation for peace and harmonyReconstruction of the National narratives and Counter-Violent Extremism Model for PakistanRole of Post-Noon Engagements of Madrassa Students in Radical OrientationPromoting Inclusive and Tolerant Educational NarrativesIslam, Democracy and the Constitution of PakistanMinority Rights in Pakistan: Historic Neglect or State Complicity?“Creating an environment that counteracts militant ideologies and radicalism in Pakistan”Through Each Other’s EyesThe Role of Ulema in Promotion of Peace and Harmony in SocietyCritical Ideologies: A Debate on Takfeer & Khuroojسماجی ہم آہنگی ، رواداری اور تعلیمسماجی ہم آہنگی کیسے ہو؟اسلام جمہوریت اور آئین پاکستانپر امن اور متوازن معاشرے کے قیام میں علماء کا کرداراسلام جمہوریت اور پاکستانایک دوسرے کے نظر سےمسئلہ تکفیر و خروجMedia Safety in Pakistanتعلیم امن اور ہم آہنگیRegulating Broadcast Media: Challenges & ReformsPakistan’s Sectarian Mire & The Way ForwardDialogue Pakistan 2019 reportPakistan’s achievements in war on terror but at what cost: a special review of the current decadePakistan in changing world orderWho Am IAcademic and Intellectual Dialogue on Social Harmony, Tolerance and EducationYouth Engagement in Pakistan: Baseline Evaluation and Way ForwardDialogue Pakistan 2020Strengthening Governance in PakistanYouth Perspective on Society, Religion, And PoliticsSupporting the Afghan peace process: Pakistan’s position, interests and policy optionsAfghanistan as Seen from Pakistan IAfghanistan as Seen from Pakistan IIPerspectives from Pakistan on Afghan peace and reconciliation 1Discourse with Balochistan Youth on Society, Religion, and PoliticsPerspectives From Pakistan on Afghan Peace and Reconciliation 2How Youth in Sindh View State, Religion and PoliticsAfghan Peace and Reconciliation: Pakistan’s Interests and Policy Options IIInterfaith Relations in Pakistan Perspectives and Worldview of Youth in PunjabPakistan’s CounterExtremism Challenge and Policy RecourseAfghanistan as Seen from Pakistan IIIMaking Sense of Pakistani Youth How Youth in Pakistan View State, Society, Religion, and PoliticsPERSPECTIVES FROM PAKISTAN ON AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 3AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN'S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS 3A Path to PeaceCountering Violent Extremism on Campuses A Faculty-Oriented Policy BriefPERSPECTIVES FROM PAKISTAN ON AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 4Afghanistan as Seen from Pakistan IVAFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN’S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS 4POLICY BRIEF APRIL-JUNE, 2022Afghanistan as Seen from Pakistan VAFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN’S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS 5PERSPECTIVES FROM PAKISTAN ON AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 5Charter of PeaceAFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN'S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS VIAFGHANISTAN AS SEEN FROM PAKISTAN-VIPERSPECTIVES FROM PAKISTAN ON AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 6POLICY BRIEF 2POLICY BRIEF October December, 2022Youth for interfaith harmony Newsletter 1AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN’S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONSPERSPECTIVES FROM PAKISTAN ON AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 7AFGHANISTAN AS SEEN FROM PAKISTAN-VIIYOUTH AND THE SOCIAL CONTRACT IN PAKISTANPakistan’s Afghan perspective and policy optionsPOLICY BRIEF January-March, 2023Charter of PeacePERSPECTIVES FROM PAKISTAN ON AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION 8AFGHANISTAN AS SEEN FROM PAKISTAN-VIIIAFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN'S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS 8AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN’S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS 9Policy Brief April- May 2023POLICY BRIEF Jun- Aug 2023AFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN'S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS - 11Pakistan's Evolving Militant Landscape: State Responses and Policy optionsAFGHAN PEACE AND RECONCILIATION: PAKISTAN’S INTERESTS AND POLICY OPTIONS – 12TRENDLINES OF PAKISTAN'S SECURITY CHALLENGESQuarterly Newsletter Oct - Dec 2024