An independent think-tank

Education for peace and harmony

Book Cover: Education for peace and harmony
Part of the Reports series:

There is a dire need to infuse in the education system in Pakistan a diversity of opinion, and the tools to develop ethical values among students besides training them in critical thinking and research. There is also need to make education curricula and teaching more inclusive and tolerant. Only then can the seeds of social harmony be sown. Properly-sensitized teachers can take a lead role in making this possible.

These were some of the key thoughts that emerged in ten (10) day-long academic and intellectual dialogue-cum-training sessions, with around 347 faculty members of public sector colleges and universities from all over the country in 2017. Leading scholars and educationists led the training sessions that were organized by Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS).

Teachers understood how education system at large and the content they are supposed to teach uphold divide and discrimination in the country. This realization is greatly felt today, as country grapples with achieving social harmony. A sound education system can build strong foundation of countering any trace of disharmony.

Much rests on teachers, who, if properly trained and sensitized, can contribute significantly in achieving peace and harmony for tomorrow. Supporting and often leading role can come from media too, which people eagerly follow.

For each workshop, two survey questionnaires were also filled by participants, one at the start of the workshop and another in the end. As many as 329 teachers filled pre-workshop survey questionnaires, and 320 filled the post-workshop survey forms.