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“Engaging parliament key in shaping religious narrative against extremism”
CVE Consultation-1
There is a greater need for revisiting the religious narrative that extremists invoke to justify their acts. Whatever be the specifics of the counter discourse, some sort of mechanism may be evolved, not least by…
12 media students trained on video journalism
On March 17 and March 18, Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) trained 12 media students on the essentials of video journalism, in Islamabad.
12 students from mass communication & media studies departments were selected from a pool…
Pakistan-Afghanistan media should orient debates beyond blame game: PIPS roundtable
On 14 March 2017, PIPS, with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), hosted a roundtable dialogue, “Pakistan-Afghanistan relations: transforming through media”.
The dialogue hosted ten visiting Afghan journalists, who were…
Despite divisive regional scenario, CPEC can achieve goals of connectivity
The emerging scenario in region around Pakistan is bereft with differences, rivalry, and insecuriy, a situation likely to exacerbate under Trump administration. Even CPEC gets played in those differences. But with right set of policies,…
‘Functional SAARC viable for regional cooperation’: Nepalese scholar
A functional SAARC is a viable option for regional cooperation and progress for the South Asian belt. And will provide a stronger “bargaining power” for the member countries against non-member states while forging new relations.
These were…
National Action Plan: A year in review
“Pakistan Saga Awards” celebrate videos on social harmony and peace
Amid news about tensions among varied groups and communities in the country, what is forgotten is how there are hundreds of examples of peaceful co-existence among those same communities. Attempts should be made to showcase those examples…
Sensitizing on Pakistan’s obligations under international law will help in countering extremism
Pakistani people from all shades of society should be sensitized on Pakistan’s obligations under international law, especially the treaties Pakistan is bound to follow. This will greatly steer their thoughts away from getting radicalized…
‘Critical thinking will help build inclusive society’
Teachers should encourage critical thinking in classrooms so that students can ask questions about the world around them. The state, too, should invest in social sciences. These will, in the long run, help nurture an inclusive narrative in…
Substantial reform of practice and law of media regulation, a top priority: PIPS Conference
Participants at an international conference called for substantial reform of the law and practice of media regulation, asking for bringing them in line with relevant constitutional and international human rights standards. They also called…