An independent think-tank

Punjab Policy brief-5 Intellectual and scholarly trends on countering violent extremism in Punjab


• This policy brief summarizes key deliberations of the fifth of six provincial-level policy dialogues on counter-violent extremism in Punjab. The policy dialogue series is part of the efforts by PIPS to analyse the security and conflict-related issues in Pakistan, with a view to finding practical ways and means to counter violent extremism.
• The present policy brief focuses on the intellectual and scholarly trends that have challenged or have the potential to counter violent extremism in Punjab.
• The participants emphasized that it could be useful to look back at history for the way forward. It was important to understand things in their historical context. A lot had happened in Punjab over the last 900 years and that had a lot of impact on how the society had developed. ...

Event Report:
“Scholarly spaces can scientifically diagnose extremism in Punjab”

Publisher: Pak Institute For Peace Studies (PIPS)