National Policy brief-9 Education reforms

- Punjab Policy brief-1 Securing Punjab’s social & cultural diversity
- Punjab Policy brief-2 Social harmony and equal citizenship
- Punjab Policy brief-3 Safe charity: giving to the right hands
- Punjab Policy brief-4 Promoting the culture of dialogue in Punjab
- Punjab Policy brief-5 Intellectual and scholarly trends on countering violent extremism in Punjab
- Punjab Policy brief-6 Role of Punjab’s literary and cultural institutions in countering extremism
- National Policy brief-1 Religious Thought and Conflict
- National Policy brief-2 Reintegration of Militants
- National Policy brief-3 National Dialogue and Social Contract
- National Policy brief-4 Implementing National Action Plan
- National Policy brief-5 Constitution, Citizenship and Governance
- National Policy brief-6 Youth Engagement Program
- National Policy brief-7 Media Engagement Programs
- National Policy brief-8 Cultural Diversity and Pluralism
- National Policy brief-9 Education reforms
- National Policy brief-10 Internal security and challenges
- محفوظ اور ہم آہنگ پاکستان
- Reconstruction of the national narratives and counter-violent extremism model for pakistan
- Secure and Inclusive Pakistan
- PIPS Conference Brief
- Policy Brief April- May 2023
- POLICY BRIEF Jun- Aug 2023
• This brief summarizes the findings of the ninth working group’s meeting on Counter-Violent Extremism (CVE), exploring how education in Pakistan can be reformed to curb extremist tendencies.
• Endorsing that reforming education sector is a must to counter extremism, the group underscored that any measure aimed at reforming education should help achieving knowledge-based society.
• The country’s multi-directional educational system itself deepens the social divides, the members noted...
Event Report:
Producing inquisitive, knowledgeable society can help counter extremism