PIPS Conference Brief

  • This brief summarizes the findings of a national conference on Pakistan-Afghanistan relations with the purpose of exploring the way forward.
  • The two countries suffer from trust deficit, making futile all attempts to rest the ties. Yet, the ties are of import and can be strengthened.
  • Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) is a major development; to effectively take it forward, a proper implementation plan should be charted.
  • As prospects of reconciliation with Taliban are explored, one of the new channels that is being explored is engaging Islamic scholars from both sides.
  • Prime Minister Imran Khan’s offer of granting citizenship to Afghan refugees can be explored by taking domestic considerations into account and finding a middle way out which treats with Afghans on humanitarian ground.
  • The two countries can also cooperate on security issues against common threats such as ISIS.
Published: October 26, 2018
Publisher: Pak Institute For Peace Studies (PIPS)