Dynamics of Taliban Insurgency in FATA

Author: Muhammad Amir Rana, Safdar Sial,Abdul Basit

Release Date:  2010

ISBN :978-969-9370-04-5

Edition:  2nd (January 2014)

Length: 262 Pages


Contextualizing the militancy in FATA and the region at large is imperative not only to demystify recent developments but also to plan a long-term strategy to counter the threat of terrorism emerging from FATA. This publication is an attempt to explore the dynamics of insurgency in a complex region at a crucial juncture. It discusses at length the factors behind the evolution of militancy in FATA and chronicles the role of Arab militants during the Afghan-Soviet war and their ideological influence over Afghan and Pakistani militant groups. This narrative also explores the militant networks in FATA, patterns of Talibanization and other developments after the launch of the war on terror, the counterinsurgency perspectives and the security implications for the region.

Price: $30

Published: January 1, 2010
Publisher: Narratives Pvt Ltd
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