PIPS input incorporated in National Internal Security Policy

It is heartening to note that the latest National Internal Security Policy (NISP), released in June 2018, has taken input from PIPS’s work in this regard. PIPS suggestions, in particular those covered in its strategy document “National Strategy of Inclusive Pakistan”, have contributed in the government’s policy.

The new NISP contextualizes the problem of extremism in Pakistan thus providing a proper tangible work plan from 2018 to 2023, and identifying specific actions and the corresponding departments meant to take those actions.

While several of NISP observations and policy actions have been suggested in several of PIPS work, some key PIPS recommendations considered by NISP are:

  • Establishing a comprehensive databank synchronized with different government departments;
  • Drafting National Cultural Plan to celebrate cultural activities of all faiths and ethnicities;
  • Laying down physical infrastructure of the schools destroyed by militants, and prioritizing girls education;
  • Asking PTA to secure online spaces to curb provocative statements and hate speech;
  • Restructuring departments dealing with culture, such as censor board, by engaging professionals;
  • Uplifting young people of the marginalized areas by establishing universities and colleges in deprived areas

These, and other such recommendations, were also made by PIPS in its national document on countering violent extremism. The document, “National Strategy of Inclusive Pakistan”, consolidated findings of ten national-level consultations, each one on different aspects of extremism and countering it.

These consultations were participated by relevant stakeholders including scholars, academics, policy makers, civil society activists, identified relevant processes and authorities. Findings, along with participants, of each consultation can be separately accessed in their policy briefs too. PIPS is grateful to all participants of these consultations.

Entry points or themes of the consultations were identified in Pakistan-specific Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) model, based on the extensive experience of PIPS in the domain of internal security and counter extremism.

The organization hopes to continue presenting do-able and consensus-based suggestions for the benefit of different stakeholders, in particular the government of Pakistan. Collectively, our efforts will lead to rooting out extremism.