An independent think-tank

Dialogue Pakistan 2022

In continuation of a tradition to conduct an annual grand event where varied issues relevant to Pakistan’s traditional and non-traditional security challenges could be discussed under one roof, Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) organized the “Dialogue Pakistan” on March 26, 2022, in Islamabad. ‘Dialogue Pakistan’ is a key initiative of PIPS to promote national-level discourse on critical issues that have a bearing on the national and international security landscape. This year’s dialogues were centered on important themes, such as democracy, constitution, transparency, freedom of expression and Pak-Afghan relations. The four dialogue sessions were coupled with two report launches: ‘Charter of Peace’ and ‘How Youth Views State, Society, Religion and Politics.’

The participants included current and former lawmakers, members of the federal cabinet, former senior military officials, religious scholars, representatives of civil society organizations, noted academics, and senior journalists. The participants in the event were invited from all four provinces of Pakistan and Gilgit Baltistan to give equal opportunity to all federal units for voicing their perspectives on policy questions.
