An independent think-tank

Punjab Policy brief-2 Social harmony and equal citizenship


• This policy brief summarizes the deliberations of the second of six provincial-level policy dialogues on social harmony and equal citizenship in Punjab. The second policy dialogue focused on social harmony and equal citizenship in the context of countering violent extremism in Punjab.
• Extremism, intolerance and inequality in Punjab cannot be put down to any one factor and the response also needs to be holistic.
• The participants stated that in terms of social cohesion and equality among citizens, the most important elements are the state’s behaviour, thoughts, policies and basic concepts about that and society. Cohesion and equality are difficult to achieve when the state uses its influence to divide people or is not seen as playing a neutral role...

Event Report:
‘Stereotypes towards marginalized groups a widespread phenomenon’: PIPS’s dialogue forum

Publisher: Pak Institute For Peace Studies (PIPS)